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Mrs Snow's Blog

Busy but Fun Week at School...

Year 10 Work Experience Student... Promotional Video... Open Evening... Common Transfer Day... Taster Sessions... Year 11 Prom...
Early Mornings, Late Nights!

Super happy that I ran the Half Marathon in 2:07:00, just a shame that in the process I have torn the biggest ligament in my foot! But fear not I have been in school all week, a little less mobile than usual, but here none the less to ensure students are still working hard! This week the clear out has come to a bit of a stand still but I hope to have it complete soon, I will post photos of the amazingly tidy room as soon as it's done. Moderators are in for GCSE Art next Thursday, so next week I will be extremely busy getting it all up on display. I had a lovely gift of chocolates and a card off one of my Year 13's this week, it's lovely to be appreciated, and the chocolates lasted all of 5 seconds, they arrived at just the right time!



A18 Back to Normal...

GCSE, AS & A2 Moderators have been and gone!!
Moderation Over!!

Phew!! Who knew how stressfull moderation was!? I have never had to deal with moderation on my own as it was always something our head of department organised and dealt with, and I've never run as course by myself before... Pressure or what?! Glad to say it is finally over... A few lessons learned and a few more wrinkles gained!! The moderators were positive regarding the work that had been produced so I shall take those comments gladly and I will hopefully sleep much better now... Well done to my AS & A2 photography students who worked so hard, hopefully they will all get the grades that they know they deserve. Now the AS students that are continuing to A2 will start their personal investigaion, and the students who are dropping the subject will be creating an informative video that explains the course in a little detail to prospective students.



Moderator Madness...

Ramathon Half Marathon done... Now to recover...
Moderator Madness

Super happy that I ran the Half Marathon in 2:07:00, just a shame that in the process I have torn the biggest ligament in my foot! But fear not I have been in school all week, a little less mobile than usual, but here none the less to ensure students are still working hard! This week the clear out has come to a bit of a stand still but I hope to have it complete soon, I will post photos of the amazingly tidy room as soon as it's done. Moderators are in for GCSE Art next Thursday, so next week I will be extremely busy getting it all up on display. I had a lovely gift of chocolates and a card off one of my Year 13's this week, it's lovely to be appreciated, and the chocolates lasted all of 5 seconds, they arrived at just the right time!



2:07:00 and A Torn Ligament...

Ramathon Half Marathon done... Now to recover...
Good Time Bad Foot

Super happy that I ran the Half Marathon in 2:07:00, just a shame that in the process I have torn the biggest ligament in my foot! But fear not I have been in school all week, a little less mobile than usual, but here none the less to ensure students are still working hard! This week the clear out has come to a bit of a stand still but I hope to have it complete soon, I will post photos of the amazingly tidy room as soon as it's done. Moderators are in for GCSE Art next Thursday, so next week I will be extremely busy getting it all up on display. I had a lovely gift of chocolates and a card off one of my Year 13's this week, it's lovely to be appreciated, and the chocolates lasted all of 5 seconds, they arrived at just the right time!



Busy But Quiet Week...

Back to School and it's been a busy but quiet week inside and outside of school...
First Week Back

So it's back to school and it's very quiet! No Year 11's or Year 13's!! The year 12's are now moving onto their 'Personal Investigation', they have been given their A2 Support Packs and they are good to go. This week they have just been generating ideas for their project and looking at photographers to inspire them. With all the 'free' time I have now. I have been writing new and exciting schemes of work for next year, tidying up the store cupboard and creating space for the 6th Formers to work in their frees. Outside of school I have been really busy traing for Derby's Ramathon Half Marathon that takes place tomorrow, eeeeeek! Very nervous but excited too!



And... Relax...

Half term is almost over - So... What does Mrs Snow get up to in the holidays?
Summer Half Term

Students probably won't be that interested about what us teachers get up to during the holidays, however I thought I would share what I have been getting up too. I spent most of the holiday gardening, training for my half marathon that's coming up, restoring old furniture, and visiting family and friends. I also went to an amazing Prince concert, had a lovely meal with my husband to celebrate our wedding anniversary, and I even came into school for a day. I managed to fit quite a lot into my half term, and I was rather busy, but, for me, it was all down time. It is important to relax and not just work, work, work.



Goodbye Year 13...

The Year 13 Students go off on exam study leave
Saying Goodbye

The Year 13's have finished all their work and they have now left for their study leave. Sadly our last lesson was all about form filling and adding some finishing touches to their sketchbooks, so it felt like we didn't really say goodbye. I want to thank them for making me feel welcome at Mill Hill and for also making this year quite enjoyable. The Year 13's are a great bunch of characters all of them made me laugh or smile at some point throughout the year. They have produced some fantastic work that they should all be very proud of. I wish them all the best for the future and hope that they stay in touch to keep me updated with their journeys.



Photography Exams... Done!!

The Year 13's slogged for 12 hours on Monday & Tuesday this week

Finally the Photography Exams are over! It is such a tense and stressful time for all involved. Again, some fantastic work has been created, just the small matter of getting all the marks to the exam board now! It dawned on me though this week that the Year 13 exam coming to an end also means that it is an end to the lessons with my Year 13's. They truly are a lovely bunch of girls and I have really enjoyed the pleasure of being their teacher for their final year. It is always sad to say goodbye to a lovely year group, but I am sure they are all going on to do great things.



Stress is in the air...

The stress of exams and deadlines are too much for the students and the teachers

AS Exams Done!!

The AS Students sweated it out this week in their 8 hour exam

The end of the academic year is nearlly here however the deadline for the Photography students comes sooner. It is a short space of time to produce coursework and complete an externally set assignment, especially when you have other subjects to work on. My advice to all students is to stay on top of work as much as you can throughout the year so that there isn't a mad rush to get work completed. However this is easier said than done. Try to prioritise your workload and stick to your deadlines. It's such a short amount of time to work hard and you will reap the rewards for the rest of your life. A2 Exams next week, I will be posting their final pieces soon.

AS Exams

Some fantastic work has been produced by the AS Photography students this week. To say this week has been stressful is an understatment. As a teacher you want nothing more than your students to do well, even the ones that are lazy!! Seeing them stressed and worried breaks my heart and brings back memories of my A Level Exams. All you can do encourage them and hope for the best. I'm pleased to say many of them were successful.



First ever blog post!!
Mrs Snow

The photo on the left was taken by Berlin wall on a city break in May 2013 before I started working at Mill Hill, it is now May 2014!! Two terms have flown by and I can say that I am now starting to find my feet and I feel settled. I wanted to start a blog and website back then and I did, but my time had to be focused on the new routine, new students, new classes, new colleagues!! I feel I'm finally there now and I hope that I will always find time once a week to write a little something on here.


Ripley Academy Photography


Monday - Thursday

13:25 PM - 14:00 PM


15:00 PM - 16:00 PM


Photography Department

Ripley Academy






01773 746334 EXT 172


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